
Celestar Ballista

The Sacristan Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chambers man this devastating Ranged magical field artillery. The rune-inscribed projectiles of the Celestar Ballista are filled with coils of stray lightning coaxed down from the top of a Sigmarabulum, and can blast right through a target in a chain explosion of arcane force.

Vanguard-Raptors – Longstrike

A deadly Ranged unit, Vanguard-Raptors armed with Longstrike Crossbows are marksmen with few equals. Poised in well-chosen vantage points they wait with bolts loaded, reading the ebb and flow of battle until the perfect prey appears. When it comes, their retribution is swift, loosing deadly missiles to despatch even the most resilient targets.

Vanguard-Raptors – Hurricane

Vanguard-Raptors are natural hunters and a widely feared Ranged unit. Those who favour the close-ranged kill form into retinues armed with Hurricane Crossbows, ferocious weapons capable of stalling the most determined enemy advance with withering quick-fire volleys.

Beast-Skewer Killbow

In the Realm of Beasts, ranged weaponry must respond to the sheer size and resilience of the predators that abound. The Beast-Skewer Killbow is a portable ballista made for monsters, so its effect on the Kruleboyz’ smaller foes can easily be imagined. Even more easily witnessed, as the Orruks manning them have been hand-picked for their proficiency with ranged weapons.

Man-Skewer Boltboyz

A two-foot long bolt between the eyes tends to be the reward to those that underestimate this sadistic Ranged unit. And if they can’t kill, they’re happy to make suffer: they employ brittle bolts that leave shrapnel in wounds and are more than willing to use the worst toxins and venoms Ghur has to offer.

Flamers of Tzeentch

Bizarre, undulating daemons and a horrific Ranged unit. Their tubular bodies are covered in gnashing mouths, and from their gangly limbs comes a constant flow of awful warpfire. Worse still, by expelling hot air in extreme gusts, Flamers are capable of bounding and leaping across the battlefield, leaving an inferno in their wake.

Tzaangor Skyfires

An Elite Ranged unit, soaring through the battlefield upon Discs of Tzeentch while loosing arrows of fate at their foes. Skyfires are blessed with glimpses of things that may be but are cursed to never speak those visions. It is no wonder how their bolts find their way into the weakest parts of their foes in battle, however.

Horrors of Tzeentch

Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy, Pink Horrors of Tzeentch whirl and flail flames across the battlefield. Should they be slain, they split in twain to form two Blue Horrors of Tzeentch who are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousins are gleeful and capricious. They spew azure flames from their fingertips and, should they be slain too, they groan and burst into a pair of Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch. These vindictive imps seek only to leap upon foes and scorch, torch, and explode their adversaries into oblivion.

Craventhrone Guard

Potent Ranged sharpshooters whose every arrow is agonisingly drawn from their own essence. In life and death they serve Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King, but are also a part of his punishment. The only satisfaction Valentian has in death is combat, but the Craventhrone Guard unerringly strike down any enemy moments before the Craven King can land the killing blow.