In the Realm of Beasts, ranged weaponry must respond to the sheer size and resilience of the predators that abound. The Beast-Skewer Killbow is a portable ballista made for monsters, so its effect on the Kruleboyz’ smaller foes can easily be imagined. Even more easily witnessed, as the Orruks manning them have been hand-picked for their proficiency with ranged weapons.

Units Per Squad
Beast-Skewer Warmachine & Jaggedy Blade (Crew)
Tips & Tricks

The Kruleboyz’ artillery has a longer range and causes less damage than the Stormcast Eternals’ Celestar Ballista, but its firing arc makes it challenging to flank. Once you upgrade its bolts, it becomes hard for enemies to ignore its presence on the frontline.

  • The Beast-Skewer Killbow is perfect for defending Arcane Conduits and Victory points. Its wide firing arc enables it to cover multiple approaches from a single position.
  • This artillery unit can’t fire on the move or quickly relocate, so make sure not to leave it undefended.
  • The poisonous Swamp Gas Bolts upgrade makes the Killbow a scourge for enemy units locked in battle within its firing arc.
Unit Type