An Elite Ranged unit, soaring through the battlefield upon Discs of Tzeentch while loosing arrows of fate at their foes. Skyfires are blessed with glimpses of things that may be but are cursed to never speak those visions. It is no wonder how their bolts find their way into the weakest parts of their foes in battle, however.

Units Per Squad
Tips & Tricks

These fast-moving archers work as both scouts and harassers, revealing enemy units as they fly across the map. They can also deny areas from enemy attack with their Judgement From Afar ability.

  • Like the Screamers of Tzeentch, Tzaangor Skyfires can fly into enemy territory to strike at undefended Arcane Conduits.
  • From the air, Skyfires have significantly increased vision and reveal hidden enemies, making them great scouts and Victory Point defenders.
  • You can use the Judgement From Afar ability to strike any enemy that steps into territory you wish to hold, such as a Victory Point or a chokepoint.
Unit Type