A deadly Ranged unit, Vanguard-Raptors armed with Longstrike Crossbows are marksmen with few equals. Poised in well-chosen vantage points they wait with bolts loaded, reading the ebb and flow of battle until the perfect prey appears. When it comes, their retribution is swift, loosing deadly missiles to despatch even the most resilient targets.

Units Per Squad
Longstrike Crossbow
Tips & Tricks

Vanguard-Hunters armed with Longstrike Crossbows fire further and hit harder than those wielding Hurricanes, but they require finer tactical control. The firing arc of the Longstrike is narrower, making it easier for enemy units to flank the crossbowmen.

  • Researching Longstrike Crossbows replaces Hurricanes for all current and future units.
  • These crossbowmen are particularly vulnerable to flanking; a unit of Liberators makes for excellent defenders.
  • The Pinning Shot ability is a great way to stun a Hero character, making them vulnerable to being attacked en masse or for halting a charging enemy unit in place.
Unit Type