The Sacristan Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chambers man this devastating Ranged magical field artillery. The rune-inscribed projectiles of the Celestar Ballista are filled with coils of stray lightning coaxed down from the top of a Sigmarabulum, and can blast right through a target in a chain explosion of arcane force.

Units Per Squad
Ballista Warmachine & Sigmarite Blade (Crew)
Tips & Tricks

These slow-moving artillery units can fire their bolts at an incredible range and cause severe damage. They’re ideal for defending Victory Points and Bastions.

  • Like archers, the Celestar Ballista can’t attack while moving, and it also takes time to set up, so don’t leave it to move around the map undefended.
  • Upgrade the Celestar Ballista with Hardened Munitions to increase damage against Hero targets, monsters and structures.
  • Alternatively, the Lightning-Charged Shot provides the Ballista with a bombardment ability firing exploding bolts that cause damage to groups of soldiers.
  • With its long range, you can keep the Celestar Ballista far from your front line. Just ensure it’s not too far from a defensive unit that can keep your expensive ballista safe.
Unit Type