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Grimghast Reapers

In life, those who were to become Grimghast Reapers were careful and meticulous killers. In death, they never cease in their long, sweeping strokes that mercilessly cut the enemy down, and they never tire. This horrifying Assault unit moves quickly, travelling in convulsive bursts that are the very antithesis of the graceful movements of the living.

Myrmourn Banshees

The Myrmourn Banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. This Heavy unit haunts the Mortal Realms in search of arcane energies to consume, drawn to magic as carrion are drawn to the dead. Such is their bitterness toward life that any mortal creature in their way is likely to receive a swift jab from their cursed chill daggers.

Hex Wraiths

Once proud knights, now twisted into phantasmal creatures whose skeletal mounts pound through the air as easily as solid ground. This cavalry Assault unit crashes upon enemies with shocking speed, turning blood to ice and cutting at the metaphysical cords that bind a warrior’s soul to their body, leaving mere senseless corpses in their wake.


A swarming Assault unit and the most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. Chainrasps may have thought death to be an escape from terrible imprisonment but, in truth, it was merely the beginning.

Magister on Disc

Upgrade for Magister

Some Magisters take special delight in warfare and may seek out a Screamer to act as their mount. Through awful, eldritch power they warp the creature’s flesh and alloy it with strange metals until it can serve as a semi-sentient Disc of Tzeentch. From atop this transport, the Magister becomes a deadly force and an overwhelming Hero unit, unleashing spells of destruction from above.

Lord of Change

Towering avian horrors, greatest of all Tzeentch’s daemons, and Monster Hero units in battle. With a gesture of their claws they can tear open the very fabric of reality, or send disastrous arcane spells across the battlefield. The true danger of these daemons is in their cunning, their fathomless wisdom, and their wish for nothing more than to tear down the world and replace it with raw potentiality.


Among the most magically powerful of Tzeentch’s mortal servants, and powerful Hero units. Magisters are privy to awful eldritch secrets that allow them to wield potent change magic in battle, but the knowledge has hideously warped their physical forms. Still, Tzeentch demands unlimited ambition, and the lure of daemonhood is a prize worth any mutation and any risk.

Ogroid Thaumaturge

Very little is truly known about the Ogroid Thaumaturges – other than their fearsome prowess in combat. When enraged, their skin writhes with arcane energy and they are empowered enough to pierce even sigmarite armour with their formidable horns. Most disturbingly, these powerful Assault units are no mere brutes but possessed of impressive sorcerous ability.

Flamers of Tzeentch

Bizarre, undulating daemons and a horrific Ranged unit. Their tubular bodies are covered in gnashing mouths, and from their gangly limbs comes a constant flow of awful warpfire. Worse still, by expelling hot air in extreme gusts, Flamers are capable of bounding and leaping across the battlefield, leaving an inferno in their wake.

Tzaangor Skyfires

An Elite Ranged unit, soaring through the battlefield upon Discs of Tzeentch while loosing arrows of fate at their foes. Skyfires are blessed with glimpses of things that may be but are cursed to never speak those visions. It is no wonder how their bolts find their way into the weakest parts of their foes in battle, however.