There are few in the afterlife who see their undeath as a blessing, yet Awlrach the Drowner relishes his role. Once a ferryman and thief who would drown his victims en route across the water, now a looming spectre and deathly Hero formed of half gheist and half funeral barque. Awlrach is a killer no longer forced to hide, and he will row and slaughter until the stars of Azyr blink out.

Units Per Squad
Deathwood Oar
Tips & Tricks

Able to charge through enemy units, spreading fear and damage in his wake, Awlrach the Drowner is a terror on the frontline. His power, however, comes from his role as an undead ferryman, transporting Nighthaunt strike groups into battle all over the map.

  • Use Awlrach’s Passage Through The Underworlds to teleport a force of units anywhere on the map. 
  • If you’ve invested in Wave of Terror upgrades for your army, construct your strike group to include units that will buff each other when they arrive at the front.
  • Use the Scything Ram to create further confusion when your strike group teleports into battle, sending nearby defenders running in fear.
Unit Type