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Screamers of Tzeentch

Speeding blurs that leave shimmering trails of change-magics in the air behind them. They act as debilitating Assault units who eat away at their enemies’ minds with awful shrieks before swooping in and ripping them apart. The blade-bodied hurricane that is an attacking Screamer shoal leaves even the largest creatures in fear of them.

Horrors of Tzeentch

Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy, Pink Horrors of Tzeentch whirl and flail flames across the battlefield. Should they be slain, they split in twain to form two Blue Horrors of Tzeentch who are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousins are gleeful and capricious. They spew azure flames from their fingertips and, should they be slain too, they groan and burst into a pair of Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch. These vindictive imps seek only to leap upon foes and scorch, torch, and explode their adversaries into oblivion.

Kairic Acolytes

Zealous human worshippers of the Change God and a deadly Assault unit. The Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending decades becoming worthy enough to attempt the Kairic Test of Nine. They walk amongst the unsuspecting, remaining covert, waiting patiently until the correct time to strike.

Orruk Kruleboyz Faction Guide: Tips & Tricks

Hail Commanders!

The Kruleboyz are spoiling for a fight, but that don’t mean it gotta be a fair fight…

Undermine your stalwart foes with brutal cunning and cunning brutality, using these tips to master the underhanded tactics of the savage Orruk Kruleboyz in Realms of Ruin.

While the Stormgitz may pride themselves on their honour, for the Kruleboyz, cunning in battle and victory by any means necessary is more rewarding. They’ll take a win in a straight fight, but they much prefer to stab their enemies in the back.

Stormcast Eternals Faction Guide: Tips & Tricks

Hail Commanders!

The Mortal Realms are a dangerous place, even for the noble forces of Order. To give your Dawnbringer Crusade the upper hand we’ve created these tips to help lead the Stormcast Eternals to victory in the Realms of Ruin.

Forged into living weapons on the Anvil of Apotheosis by the God-King Sigmar himself, the Stormcast Eternals are an army of immortal warriors with a single purpose: to retake the Mortal Realms from the forces of Chaos.

Guide to DirectStep™

Hail Commanders!

Realms of Ruin has been built to deliver a competitive and easy-to-use RTS experience on gamepads. With the tailor-made DirectStep™ control scheme, players on gamepads can go toe-to-toe with opponents playing with mouse and keyboard.

Whether you are playing Realms of Ruin with a gamepad on a desktop PC or on a console from your sofa, thanks to DirectStep™ you have the same fine control of your forces in battle as you would with a keyboard and mouse.