

Elite Heavy shock troops that charge with the impact of a falling star, crashing into their opponents with enough force to obliterate them outright. Anything that somehow manages to survive their brutal charge is swiftly pummeled by massive Meteoric Hammers, while the Annihilators shrug off return blows with their impervious shields.


The eyes of an Evocator in full battle rage flash with sparks, and veins of lightning glow beneath their skin. The sheer energy flowing through them can scorch and blacken foes, or can be used to empower fellow Stormcast Eternals with Azyrite energy. An Evocator on the battlefield is a threatening Heavy unit, capable of buckling the most resolute of enemies.


Magically reforged with the thunderous power of a god, immortal, proud and strong, the Liberators are the hammer of Sigmar in human form and the indefatigable core of the Stormcast Warrior chambers. Through their martial expertise and conviction, they can lay low the mightiest tyrants and their stout shieldwalls can prove resolute against even charging troggoths.

Murknob with Belcha-Banna

An Elite Heavy unit and a champion warrior of the Kruleboyz who revels in taking the heads of their adversaries – honestly or otherwise. They alone are granted the honour of carrying Belcha-bannas into battle, foul relics with all manner of strange powers that have the fetid tongue of a Mire Drake impaled upon it.


A Heavy unit of cruel Orruks, brandishing jagged scrap spears known as stikkaz and crudely effective skareshields which bear the face of a bulge-eyed predator. Gutrippaz are the dangerous infantry of the Kruleboyz army and take great glee in swarming a foe and jabbing until that foe stops fighting back.


Driven by famine and pain to hunt their former friends and companions, Mournguls are damned to an eternity of terrible isolation. This Heavy Monster unit is neither dead nor alive, but their shadowy cadaverous forms of cold flesh and cracked bone warp and twist ceaselessly as they rake their foes with claws and teeth.

Myrmourn Banshees

The Myrmourn Banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. This Heavy unit haunts the Mortal Realms in search of arcane energies to consume, drawn to magic as carrion are drawn to the dead. Such is their bitterness toward life that any mortal creature in their way is likely to receive a swift jab from their cursed chill daggers.

Marshcrawla Sloggoth

A Heavy Monster unit and a distant relative to the Troggoths found in caves and mountains. Marshcrawla Sloggoths are slow, patient hunters with long, grasping limbs that they use to grab unsuspecting victims from their burrows and beds. The grots that ride these shambling beasts into battle harry enemies with snatcha-stikks and catcha nets while beating drums of war.


These savage, avian beastmen make up shockingly effective Heavy units. Transmogrified by Tzeentch's power from followers and foes alike, these mutants are unnaturally sensitive to omens and arcane power, chasing the winds of fate as they wield ensorcelled blades with vicious skill and lunatic energy.