Driven by famine and pain to hunt their former friends and companions, Mournguls are damned to an eternity of terrible isolation. This Heavy Monster unit is neither dead nor alive, but their shadowy cadaverous forms of cold flesh and cracked bone warp and twist ceaselessly as they rake their foes with claws and teeth.

Units Per Squad
Nightmarish Claws & Fangs
Tips & Tricks

This near-feral, half-dead, half-alive creature is a self-propelling terror on the battlefield. Able to drive enemies to flee and draw health from every kill, it can sustain itself in combat and cause significant disruption for your enemies.

  • The Mourngul’s passive ability, Devourer of Souls, sees the monster heal itself from every kill. If the creature is low on health, keep it out of the fight until one of your units has got an enemy near death, then send the Mourngul in to get the kill.
  • Drive defending units off their mark by leaping onto them with Ghastly Terror; the fear it instils will drive them to flee.
Unit Type