Magically reforged with the thunderous power of a god, immortal, proud and strong, the Liberators are the hammer of Sigmar in human form and the indefatigable core of the Stormcast Warrior chambers. Through their martial expertise and conviction, they can lay low the mightiest tyrants and their stout shieldwalls can prove resolute against even charging troggoths.

Units Per Squad
Warhammer & Sigmarite Shield
Tips & Tricks

Liberators make for excellent frontline troops, able to take a lot of damage before succumbing to their wounds. You can use them to tie up your enemies in melee combat while your other troops manoeuvre into battle and set up flanking positions. Liberators make the perfect protectors for the Stormcast Eternals' many more vulnerable Ranged units.

  • Use the Liberators’ Sigmar's Aegis ability to temporarily buff the unit’s defence, enabling them to hold out even longer in battle. 
  • You can enhance Liberators even further by upgrading their Sigmarite Armour
  • Research the Violent Rebuttal upgrade to increase the damage your Liberators do to any nearby enemies when they die.
Unit Type