An Elite Heavy unit and a champion warrior of the Kruleboyz who revels in taking the heads of their adversaries – honestly or otherwise. They alone are granted the honour of carrying Belcha-bannas into battle, foul relics with all manner of strange powers that have the fetid tongue of a Mire Drake impaled upon it.
Units Per Squad
Banner & Murknob Cleaver
Tips & Tricks
This elite Heavy is unusual as it can both damage and slow enemies while also shielding allies in a single action. This mix of powers makes it an excellent warrior on the sidelines of battle.
- The Breath of the Mire-Drakes ability launches a toxic miasma in a straight line, slowing and damaging any enemies it hits. It simultaneously provides a shield to nearby allies, aiding them in combat.
- Hold the Murknob until enemy units are locked in combat, that way, you can line up the Belcha-Banna shot to hit as many targets as possible.
Unit Type