Build a world for wildlife with Planet Zoo: Console Edition. From the developers of Planet Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, the ultimate zoo simulator is arriving on console. Planet Zoo brings controller support that puts powerful creative tools at your fingertips and includes years’ worth of features, content, and animals from the celebrated PC video game’s free updates.
Planet Zoo: Console Edition features an incredible array of authentic animals who think, feel, and explore the world you design around them. Create unique habitats and vast landscapes, and make meaningful choices to nurture animals as you construct and manage the world’s wildest zoos using intuitive console controls. Pick up and play across four engaging game modes: embark on a globe-trotting campaign in career mode, build a network of connected zoos in Franchise mode, put your skills to the test in Challenge mode, or let your imagination run wild in the freedom of Sandbox mode.
Build a world for wildlife with Planet Zoo: Console Edition. From the developers of Planet Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, the ultimate zoo simulator is arriving on console. Planet Zoo brings controller support that puts powerful creative tools at your fingertips and includes years’ worth of features, content, and animals from the celebrated PC video game’s free updates.
非洲野犬 (Lycaon pictus) 又名非洲猎犬或杂色狼。它们遍布于撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,在非洲大陆上有许多不同的族群,共有五个亚种。与其他犬类相比,非洲野犬身材较为瘦高,具有又圆又大的耳朵和鲜明的毛色。一般来说,它们的毛皮黄黑参差,腿部、胸部和尾巴则有白色斑点,但不同亚种也有不同的毛色。有些非洲野犬身上可能也有斑点状花纹。
非洲象 (Loxodonta africana) 原生于撒哈拉以南非洲地区的莽原、森林和山区,是一种体型庞大结实的哺乳类动物,具有灰色外皮和它们特有的长鼻子,鼻子可用来发声、饮水及抓取食物。雄性和雌性非洲象均有长牙,并且都以其智慧和牢固的社交连结闻名,尤其是母亲与孩子间的连结。雌性象群的连结是一辈子的,即使象群分裂,雌性非洲象也会记得家族中的成员,并与日后可能遇到的成员进行交流。
非洲水牛 (Syncerus caffer caffer) 生活在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,是非洲野生牛科动物中体型最大的。它们的体长通常介于 1.7 到 3.4 米之间,高 1.0 到 1.7 米,特色是头上宽大弯曲的角,它们的角会在额头中心聚拢形成帅气的凸起。牛群中的领头雄性通常拥有最大的角。
土豚 (Orycteropus afer) 是生活在非洲撒哈拉以南地区的中型食虫动物。其皮肤为灰粉色,毛发稀疏粗糙,有细长的大耳朵和头部,头部尖端有状似猪鼻的口鼻部。雄性的体型略大于雌性,但两性体长大多介于 105 到 130 厘米之间,尾巴长 60 到 70 厘米,体重则介于 40 到 65 公斤之间。
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