紫羚 (Tragelaphus eurycerus) 是一种行踪隐密、生活在中非森林地区的林栖羚羊。它们的毛皮呈棕红色,躯干上有白色直条纹,腿部内侧颜色较浅,还有巨大的耳朵,眼睛下方则有黄色 V 型印记。它们的主要特征是一对巨大的螺旋状垂直犄角。雄性和雌性的体型相似,肩高都约为 1.1 至 1.3 米,体长介于 2.15 至 3.15 米之间,不过雄性比雌性重很多,雄性平均重达 310 公斤,雌性的平均体重则为 190 公斤。

Latin Name
Tragelaphus erycerus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Although the bongo's horns are used for fighting (especially by males), they are more often used for clearing branches and scrub out of the way while they are foraging in dense woodland.
Bongos are 'crepuscular' animals; they are most active at dusk and dawn.
For the first week of a newborn bongo calf's life, it remains hidden silently in the undergrowth and its mother will return to it often to feed it.
There is a small group of Bongos that live in the mountains of Kenya. These are a subspecies of bongo called the 'mountain bongo' and have been long isolated from the forest population.
Bongos are known to eat charcoal from burned trees after lightning strikes and forest fires. It is believed they use this as a source of salt and minerals.