中华穿山甲 (Manis pentadactyla) 是一种被列为极危物种的食虫动物,原生于印度、尼泊尔、不丹、孟加拉、缅甸、台湾和中国南部。它们是生性隐密的小型动物,移动速度缓慢,它们最显著的特征是层层叠叠的盔甲状角质鳞片。中华穿山甲体长约为 40 至 58 厘米,尾长约 25 至 38 厘米。它们白天都躲在洞穴里睡觉,晚上才会外出寻觅蚂蚁、白蚁和其他昆虫为食。

Latin Name
Manis pentadactyla
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Pangolins are the only mammal with scales, they are also the most trafficked animal in the world.
Newborn Chinese pangolins have soft scales. They harden when the infant is 3 days old.
The pangolin's tongue can be 40cm in length; they use it to hunt and eat ants and termites.
Pangolins do not have teeth. Instead, they swallow small stones that remain in their stomach and help grind up their food after ingestion.
When threatened, pangolins will curl up into a tight ball, relying on their tough scales to protect themselves.