鸵鸟 (Struthio camelus) 是世界上已知体型最大的鸟类。雄性鸵鸟身上的羽毛是黑色的,翅膀末端和尾部的羽毛则为白色,而雌性身上的羽毛是灰褐色的。雄性和雌性鸵鸟的头部、脖子及腿部皆介于粉红色到白色之间,其外观可能会因在非洲的原生地不同而有所差异。雄性鸵鸟平均身高为 2.1 至 2.8 米,雌性的体型较小,约为 1.7 至 2.0 米。

Latin Name
Struthio camelus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The ostrich is the largest living species of bird, they are also the fastest on the ground; they can run for long distances at 34mph and sprint at 43mph.
Ostriches have the largest eggs in the world, but the smallest eggs of any bird relative to body size.
When incubating a nest, the alpha female sits on the nest during the day, her grey-brown feathers blending with the dusty ground, and the alpha male sits on the nest at night, with his black feathers difficult to see in the dark.
Ostrich males raise the ostrich chicks when they hatch.
Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. To hide from predators, they lie flat against the ground and their body blends with the horizon and the dust.