

Only peerless warriors and true Heroes hold the honour of bearing the sacred Banner of Apotheosis. Each of these holy standards is infused with the forge-magics of Grungni and can elevate the resilience of the Stormcasts to new heights. When such a standard is planted, nearby allies are filled with fortitude, their souls bolstered even as flesh and armour reknits.


The leaders of the Stormhosts, powerful Hero units, and exceptionally gifted warriors who ride into battle in blazing fields of azure light. The Lord-Celestants are respected for their tenacity and battle skills even amongst the immortals.

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof

Upgrade for Killaboss

Truly legendary Hero Killabosses have tamed wild creatures of Ghur to weaponize their killin’ ability. Great Gnashtoofs are one such beast, whose agility and brutally powerful jaws quickly endeared them to their Kruleboyz masters.


Leaders and Heroes of Kruleboyz warbands. Each has earned their position through not just brute strength but pure Morkish kunnin’. They are warriors and tacticians, commanding Orruk forces while decimating foes with their weighty Boss-hackas. To a Killaboss, victory must come no matter the cost or underhand tactics required.

Swampcalla Shaman

Cunning Kruleboyz mystics and spell-casting Hero units. But, even for Kruleboyz, Swampcalla Shamans are foul creatures. These spell-flingers have an innate connection to the mires they inhabit, which they channel into noisome spells of debilitation while brewing up vile elixirs to aid their Kruleboyz kin.

Guardian of Souls

The unwholesome flame that burns in a Guardian of Souls’ lantern invigorates and draws in the dead. As mortals, they toyed with necromantic power but stepped away after realising they trod a perilous path. Nagash reformed them as nexuses of the dark power they once spurned and now this spectral creature is a focal point and Hero unit in any Nighthaunt host.

Knight of Shrouds

Any Knight of Shrouds’ skill in warfare is truly something of legend, and yet each one betrayed their former command when faced with the endless legions of Death. Nagash, Lord of the Undead, saw their betrayal as wisdom. The commander had the clarity to see they could never truly win, and so they are rewarded with an eternity of service as a leader and Hero in Death’s armies.

Awlrach the Drowner

There are few in the afterlife who see their undeath as a blessing, yet Awlrach the Drowner relishes his role. Once a ferryman and thief who would drown his victims en route across the water, now a looming spectre and deathly Hero formed of half gheist and half funeral barque. Awlrach is a killer no longer forced to hide, and he will row and slaughter until the stars of Azyr blink out.

Magister on Disc

Upgrade for Magister

Some Magisters take special delight in warfare and may seek out a Screamer to act as their mount. Through awful, eldritch power they warp the creature’s flesh and alloy it with strange metals until it can serve as a semi-sentient Disc of Tzeentch. From atop this transport, the Magister becomes a deadly force and an overwhelming Hero unit, unleashing spells of destruction from above.

Lord of Change

Towering avian horrors, greatest of all Tzeentch’s daemons, and Monster Hero units in battle. With a gesture of their claws they can tear open the very fabric of reality, or send disastrous arcane spells across the battlefield. The true danger of these daemons is in their cunning, their fathomless wisdom, and their wish for nothing more than to tear down the world and replace it with raw potentiality.