The unwholesome flame that burns in a Guardian of Souls’ lantern invigorates and draws in the dead. As mortals, they toyed with necromantic power but stepped away after realising they trod a perilous path. Nagash reformed them as nexuses of the dark power they once spurned and now this spectral creature is a focal point and Hero unit in any Nighthaunt host.

Units Per Squad
Chill Blade & Nightmare Lantern
Tips & Tricks

The Guardian of Souls is a significant boon to any Nighthaunt army. He can reinforce nearby units with his Spectral Lure, summon deadly monsters to the battlefield, and his mere presence slows nearby enemies.

  • The Guardian of Souls’ Spectral Lure heals and reinforces your army. Avoid using this powerful ability too early, as it has a long cooldown. Wait until multiple units need aid.
  • Your Guardian of Souls can only summon one Mourngul at a time, so bring it to the battlefield as soon as possible. It makes for a great bodyguard for this Ranged Hero.
Unit Type