イリエワニ (Crocodylus porosus) は、東南アジア、オーストラリア北部、インド東部の沿岸地域に生息する大型の爬虫類である。食物連鎖の頂点に位置する、とても優秀で危険な肉食獣あり、オスは体長 3.5~6 m、体重 200~1000 kg にまで成長することがある。メスはオスに比べて著しく小さく、平均 2.7~3.4 m、120~200 kg である。オス、メスともに、他のワニの種よりも鼻や体の幅が広く、体は褐色から灰緑色で個体ごとにばらつきがある。

Latin Name
Crocodylus porosus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The saltwater crocodile is statistically the joint most dangerous crocodile to humans, alongside the Nile crocodile. Saltwater crocodiles have the strongest recorded bite force of any animal.
Saltwater crocodiles exhibit the greatest sexual dimorphism of any crocodilian; males are 4 to 5 times larger than the females.
Saltwater crocodiles do not require fresh drinking water. Like other crocodiles, they have special glands on their heads that secrete excess salt allowing them to drink saltwater.
Saltwater crocodiles have been seen to knock primates out of trees into water with their tails to make catching their prey easier.
Unlike other crocodiles, saltwater crocodiles are immune to cane toad toxins, allowing them to eat cane toads to sustain themselves if necessary.