ナイルオオトカゲ (Varanus niloticus) は、サハラ以南のアフリカの非砂漠地域に生息する大型の爬虫類の一種である。また、アメリカ、厳密にはカリフォルニア州とフロリダ州、にも導入されており、外来種として認識されている。

Latin Name
Varanus niloticus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Many female Nile monitors break into termite nests and lay their eggs inside them because the termites repair the damage afterwards and thus shelter the eggs.
When in danger or antagonised, the Nile monitor will attack with a powerful whip from its long tail.
Nile monitors are preyed upon by martial eagles, which can pick up and carry a lizard weighing up to 4kg.
Nile monitors are causing the crocodile and alligator population in Florida to decrease because they are so effective at robbing their nests of eggs and hatchlings.
Nile monitors never stop growing; they continue to get larger throughout their lives.