L'antilocapra (o Antilocapra americana) vive in ambienti simili a quelli dell'antilope. Ha un manto marrone sul dorso e lateralmente, ventre bianco, e segni bianchi a forma di V sul collo. Questa specie in media è alta al garrese dagli 81 ai 104 centimetri e lunga tra i 1,3 e i 1,5 metri. I maschi sono più grandi rispetto alle femmine di circa il 10%, hanno un segno nero sul muso e corna più lunghe e robuste.
Latin Name
Antilocapra americana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Although colloquially called an 'antelope', the pronghorn is actually more closely related to giraffes and okapis.
Pronghorn antelope are the second fastest land animal after the cheetah and can run at 61mph. However, they can run at high speeds for much longer than the cheetah.
Pronghorn antelope have a lot of adaptations for speed and agility, including a large heart and lungs, light bones and shock-absorbent hooves.
Pronghorn antelope have white glossy hairs on their rump which stand up and catch the light when the pronghorn is alarmed, acting as a warning to other herd members.
Although this species can jump up to 6m in one bound, they prefer to crawl underneath obstacles rather than jump over them.