La tigre reale del Bengala (o Panthera tigris tigris) è originaria di India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan e Cina occidentale. Può vivere in qualsiasi ambiente comprese le praterie, le foreste e tra le mangrovie. Caccia grandi animali fissipedi come la capra, il cervo e la mucca (comunemente noti come "ungulati"). La tigre reale del Bengala si riconosce dal manto arancione brillante con strisce marroni o nere, dalla grande testa, dalle zampe muscolose e dai grandi denti.

Latin Name
Panthera tigris tigris
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Tigers have the largest teeth of any cat species, with canines up to 90mm in length.
Bengal tigers enjoy swimming and are very good swimmers.
Mangrove forest workers have started wearing masks on the back of their heads to deter tigers from attacking them, as Bengal tigers only attack from behind and believe they are being watched when masks are worn.
The urine of tigers smells like buttered popcorn due to containing the same aroma compound.