Machine Name

American Alligator

The American alligator is a large species of crocodilian that lives in the rivers, swamps, marshes and wetlands of the Southern USA and Mexico. American alligators may be dark green, brown or grey in colour. They have a broad rounded head with a large gape and many teeth, of which some can be seen protruding externally. The body of the American alligator is broad, with several raised ridges of scales running down their back. Their legs stick out laterally and they move close to the ground but will raise themselves off the ground when running.


The meerkat is a species of social mongoose that is found in complex underground burrows in the savannahs and semi-deserts of Southern Africa. It lives in family packs and is considered to be ‘eusocial’, meaning it is highly socially organised and pack members have strongly defined roles within their group. Meerkats have a flat, pointed head and a sandy-coloured face with black eyes and ears. They have a mottled pattern of grey and yellow fur on their back and a pointed, black tipped tail. Meerkats move on all fours but assume a distinctive stance on their hind legs when alert.

Fennec Fox

The fennec fox is a small species of canid that lives in the Sahara desert. The fur of the back, head and tail is sandy coloured, and the fur of the legs, belly and face are white. The fennec fox’s most distinctive feature is its extremely large pointed ears. The fennec fox is very small, measuring 18 to 22cm tall at the shoulder with a head-body length of 34 to 40cm. Their tail is up to 25cm long and their ears measure 9 to 10cm in length. They weigh between 0.8 and 1.9kg. Males are slightly larger than females.

Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman

Cuvier's dwarf caiman is a small species of crocodilian that inhabits in the rivers and swamps in the forests of northern South America. The appearance of this species changes as it matures. Caimans have large protruding brown (although occasionally yellow) eyes. Males are an average of 1.3-1.5m in length while females are an average of 1.15m in length. They usually weigh between 6-7kg.

Grey Seal

The Atlantic grey seal is a species of marine mammal that lives around the landmasses of the Atlantic Ocean (UK, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Canada, USA). Western Atlantic grey seals are significantly larger than the Eastern Atlantic morph. Their males measure between 2.3 and 2.9m in length and weigh 205-370kg, while females measure between 1.9-2.3m in length and weigh 160-250kg.

King Penguin

The king penguin (or Aptenodytes patagonicus patagonicus) is a large species of marine bird that lives in the Southern Ocean and breeds on sub-Antarctic islands including the Falklands and South Georgia. King penguins have dark grey feathers on their backs and flippers, white feathers on their chests and stomachs, and yellow colouration on their throats, while their heads are black, with bright orange cheek patches, as well as an orange streak along their beaks.

Southern Cassowary

The southern cassowary is a large flightless bird that lives in the rainforests, mangroves and grasslands of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Northern Australia. They have black plumage with a shaggy fur-like appearance and robust, grey legs and feet. The southern cassowary has a distinctive brown casque on top of their head, a brown-black curved beak, a royal blue throat and a pale blue crown. The back of its neck is orange and it has two red wattles hanging down from its throat.

Red Kangaroo

The red kangaroo (or Macropus rufus) is a large species of marsupial mammal that lives throughout Australia, found everywhere except coastal regions and rainforests. Red kangaroos have large L-shaped back legs and small arms, large rabbit-like ears and a long face with a blunt snout. They are a sexually dimorphic species, meaning the males and females look different; the former being significantly larger, standing between 1.3 and 1.6m tall, with a 1.3m long tail, and weighing between 55 and 90kg; the latter are smaller, standing 0.85 - 1.05m tall and weighing 18 to 40kg.

Red-eyed Tree Frog

The red-eyed tree frog is a species of arboreal amphibian that lives in the tropical rainforest regions of Central America. Female frogs are larger than males, but both have the same markings. As the name suggests, the red-eyed tree frog has vivid red eyes with black pupils. The upper body and upper legs of the frog are pale green, and as such when the frog curls up and closes its eyes it is well camouflaged against the leaves on which it lives. The red-eyed tree frog has bright blue sides with yellow reticulation and blue thighs. It has orange feet and a pale underbelly.

Colombian White-Faced Capuchin Monkey

The Colombian white-faced capuchin monkey (or Cebus capucinus) is an arboreal primate that lives in the forests of Colombia, Panama and Ecuador. There are 11 species of capuchin and even more subspecies, and the Colombian white-faced variant can be distinguished by its black body fur and distinctive white fur on the shoulders, upper chest and around the face. They also have a 'cap' of black fur on the top of their head and a pale pink face covered in sparse hair, as well as forward facing brown eyes.