Machine Name

Dall Sheep

The Dall sheep (or Ovis dalli) – also known as ‘Dall’s sheep’ or ‘thinhorn sheep’ –  is a species of wild sheep that lives on the mountain meadows of Alaska (USA), Yukon and British Colombia (Canada). They are white to pale brown in colour, with yellow-brown horns, and are sexually dimorphic; the males being significantly larger than the females and with much thicker, curlier horns. Males measure between 1.3 and 1.8m long and weigh between 73 and 113kg, while females measure between 1.3 and 1.6m and weigh 46 to 50kg.

Arctic Wolf

Arctic wolves (or Canis lupus arctos) are a large canid species that live in Northern Canada and Greenland. Also known as white wolves, they are large pack predators that feed primarily on muskoxen and arctic hares, although they may also eat foxes, birds and bear cubs, as well as occasionally scavenging carrion.

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Western diamondback rattlesnake (or Crotalus atrox) is a species of venomous snake native to the deserts, grassland and scrubland of the USA and Mexico; so named for the pattern of grey and brown scales on its back. It reaches an average length of 1.2m – although a specimen of 2.1m in length has been reported – and males are larger than females. It is a dangerous species that will strike if it perceives threat.

Timber Wolf

Timber wolves (or Canis lupus) are a large canid species that live across most of the Northern hemisphere. Also known as grey wolves, they are large generalist predators that will eat most prey they can catch, and which are capable of living in a wide variety of different environments. The appearance of timber wolves can vary widely and is mostly dependent on which population is being observed. There are 38 subspecies, each with adaptations to their specific environments, thus causing their varied appearance.


The springbok (or Antidorcas marsupialis) is a small species of antelope native to the savannahs of Southern Africa. They have lyre-shaped black horns, a tan coat with dark brown markings, a white belly and face, with dark brown tear marks from their eyes to their muzzle. Males and females are a similar size and both have horns, although the male’s are more robust.

Spotted Hyena

The spotted hyena, also known as the laughing hyena (Crocuta crocuta), is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. They are generalist predators that can live in most environments – although they are not found in rainforests or deserts – and their strong forelimbs, well-muscled neck, and comparatively weaker hindlimbs give them a distinctive appearance. Their head is broad with a wide snout and they have sandy fur with black spots, as well as a mane down their neck to their mid back.

Saltwater Crocodile

The saltwater crocodile (or Crocodylus porosus) is an extremely large species of reptile native to the coastal areas of South-east Asia, North Australia and East India. It is an effective and dangerous apex predator, with the males capable of growing between 3.5 to 6m long, and weighing between 200 and 1000kg. Females are significantly smaller, averaging 2.7 to 3.4m and 120-200kg. Both sexes have a broader snout and body compared to other crocodile species, and are tan to greenish grey in colour; there is variation in colour among different populations.

Sable Antelope

The sable antelope (or Hippotragus niger) is a species of ungulate that lives in South-Eastern Africa. They have long, notched horns that curve backwards from their face, a tan-to-black coat with a white underbelly, chin and throat, as well as white tear-marks on their face. Males are larger, darker and have longer horns than females. Both sexes graze and browse on the savannah, preferring lightly wooded areas to completely open ones.

Pronghorn Antelope

The pronghorn antelope (or Antilocapra americana) is, in fact, not a true antelope. While the North American mammal occupies a similar environmental niche to antelopes – hence the same name being used – for this reason it is often simply referred to as the ‘pronghorn’. It has a tan coloured coat on its back and sides, a white underbelly, and white chevron-shaped markings on its neck. The species stands an average of 81 to 104cm tall at the shoulder, measuring between 1.3 and 1.5m in length.

Nile Monitor

The Nile monitor (or Varanus niloticus) is a large species of reptile that lives in the non-desert area of Sub-Saharan Africa. They have also been introduced to the USA – specifically California and Florida – where they are regarded as an invasive species. Nile monitors much prefer environments close to water, tending to live near rivers. Both sexes look the same and are between 120 and 220cm long, with more than half of this length being their tail. Adults tend to be brown to green, with dark stripes on their body and yellow spots on their legs and head.