

Winged heralds of Sigmar, and a deadly Flying Assault unit. They bear a message of violent retribution to the enemies of Order, soaring on wings of captured Starfire and summoning celestial hammers at will to bombard their foes.


Bold raiders, expert scouts, a versatile Assault unit, and masters at using the terrain to their advantage. More than once has a thought-unassailable position been scaled and destroyed by a band of Vanguard-Hunters who have made themselves invisible during the madness of battle.

Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth

Troggoths are Monsters on their own, but when mounted by a formidable Breaka-Boss they become a deadly Assault unit. It’s hardly surprising that the combination of a veteran Orruk and a towering beast with regenerative flesh is an effective one, even with the Breaka-Boss stabbing the Troggoth into rage-fuelled charges.

Hobgrot Slittaz

What Hobgrots lack in size, this Assault unit makes up in vicious cunning. They are mean-spirited, smarter than your average grot, and malicious users of razor-sharp daggers and scrap explosives. The only time they mob up and work together is when the enemy is within ‘killin range’.

Grimghast Reapers

In life, those who were to become Grimghast Reapers were careful and meticulous killers. In death, they never cease in their long, sweeping strokes that mercilessly cut the enemy down, and they never tire. This horrifying Assault unit moves quickly, travelling in convulsive bursts that are the very antithesis of the graceful movements of the living.

Hex Wraiths

Once proud knights, now twisted into phantasmal creatures whose skeletal mounts pound through the air as easily as solid ground. This cavalry Assault unit crashes upon enemies with shocking speed, turning blood to ice and cutting at the metaphysical cords that bind a warrior’s soul to their body, leaving mere senseless corpses in their wake.


A swarming Assault unit and the most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. Chainrasps may have thought death to be an escape from terrible imprisonment but, in truth, it was merely the beginning.

Ogroid Thaumaturge

Very little is truly known about the Ogroid Thaumaturges – other than their fearsome prowess in combat. When enraged, their skin writhes with arcane energy and they are empowered enough to pierce even sigmarite armour with their formidable horns. Most disturbingly, these powerful Assault units are no mere brutes but possessed of impressive sorcerous ability.

Screamers of Tzeentch

Speeding blurs that leave shimmering trails of change-magics in the air behind them. They act as debilitating Assault units who eat away at their enemies’ minds with awful shrieks before swooping in and ripping them apart. The blade-bodied hurricane that is an attacking Screamer shoal leaves even the largest creatures in fear of them.

Kairic Acolytes

Zealous human worshippers of the Change God and a deadly Assault unit. The Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending decades becoming worthy enough to attempt the Kairic Test of Nine. They walk amongst the unsuspecting, remaining covert, waiting patiently until the correct time to strike.