불도롱뇽(Salamandra salamandra)은 유럽 대륙의 낙엽수림 전반에 걸쳐 서식하는 양서류입니다. 피부는 검은색이며, 노란 반점이 있고, 무늬의 형태는 다양합니다. 몸길이는 15cm~30cm이며, 몸무게는 약 30g~50g입니다. 암수의 크기나 외모에는 차이가 없습니다. 올챙이 시절에는 수생 생물이지만, 성체는 헤엄을 칠 수 없으며 일생을 육지에서 보냅니다.

Latin Name
Salamandra salamandra
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The bright colouration of the fire salamander indicates toxicity; they secrete a neurotoxin called ‘samandarin’ through the skin, which can cause muscle convulsions, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure and death.
According to legend, the fire salamander received its name because it was born in fires. Most likely they were hiding on wood that humans gathered to build fires, and then tried to escape the flames by crawling out of the embers.
In most subspecies of fire salamander offspring develops in eggs inside the female, to be born as live aquatic larvae. However, the ‘fastuosa’ and ‘bernadezi’ varieties can give birth to fully metamorphosed young, skipping the aquatic stage.
Fire salamanders are mostly found under damp decaying leaf matter on the ground.
Fire salamanders tend to stay in the same home range for many years, some even returning to the same spots for their winter hibernation.
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