メガネグマ (Tremarctos ornatus) は南米アンデス地方原産の中型のクマである。黒い毛皮は厚く、顔と胸に白い模様がある。顔は他のクマに比べて比較的平らで、絶滅した短頭種のクマと密接な関係があることを示している。他のクマと同様、メガネグマは明確な性的二形が見られ、メスはオスよりずっと小さい。オスは肩高 76 cm ~ 91 cm、体重 100 kg ~ 200 kg であるのに対し、メスは肩高 60 cm ~ 73 cm、体重はわずか 35 kg ~ 82 kg である。

Latin Name
Tremarctos ornatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The spectacled bear is the last remaining short-faced bear in the world, with the last related genuses going extinct about 12,000 years ago.
While the spectacled bear is the largest carnivore in much of its South American range, only around 5% of its diet actually consists of meat.
The spectacled bear is known as 'jukumari' in the Aymara and Quechua languages, or as 'ukumari' in Quechua.
The scientific name of the spectacled bear's genus, 'Tremarctos', is made up of the Greek words for 'hole' and 'bear', referring to a distinct hole in the bear's upper arm bone.
Spectacled bears are highly arboreal and will sleep and hide in trees.
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