アカエリマキキツネザル (Varecia rubra) は、マダガスカルのマソアラ北部の熱帯雨林原産の絶滅寸前の霊長類である。目が黄色で、とがった黒い顔の周りには特徴的な赤い襟巻のような毛がある。体は赤い毛で覆われており、尻尾や手足は黒い。また、頭頂部に白い斑点がある。

Latin Name
Varecia rubra
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Red ruffed lemurs are very vocal and will make alarm calls to alert their group to predators.
Red ruffed lemurs have evolved a long, pointed snout and a long tongue for eating nectar from flowers, meaning they play an important role in pollination.
Ruffed lemurs are the only primates that give birth to litters of young, and can birth up to 6 infants in one pregnancy.
The word ‘lemur’ is derived from the latin word ‘Lemures’ meaning spirits or ghosts.
Red ruffed lemurs groom their thick coat using a long claw on the second toe of their back leg.