ノドチャミユビナマケモノ (Bradypus variegatus) は、中南米の熱帯雨林の樹上で生活する哺乳類である。色は淡い灰色から茶色で、手足はひょろ長い。足より腕の方が長く、短く退化した尾がついている。ノドチャミユビナマケモノは両手両足に 3 本の長い爪を持っているが、前足の爪の方がかなり長い。丸い頭部に目立たない耳、目から側頭部にかけて黒褐色の模様がある。オスとメスは外見上よく似ているが、唯一の違いはオスの背中に特徴的な模様が見られる点である。平均体長 60 cm、体重 3.5 kg ~ 5.2 kg である。


Latin Name
Bradypus variegatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The brown-throated sloth only comes to the ground once every 8 days to defecate. Researchers are still determining why sloths do this.
The fur of the brown-throated sloth contains a unique symbiotic ecosystem of algae and fungi. Some of these are antibacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-carcinogenic.
Brown-throated sloths eat very tough, nutrient poor leaves so they have a multichambered stomach, similar to that of ruminants like cows, that allows them to ferment and break down this material for more efficient digestion.
Brown-throated sloths have a very slow metabolism, as such, they rely on the heat of the sun to regulate their body temperature, unlike most mammals.
Brown-throated sloths can rotate their head 300 degrees similarly to an owl.
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