アカオビヤドクガエル (Oophaga lehmanni) は、コロンビアのアンチカヤ・バレーの熱帯雨林に生息する固有種の両生類で、世界中探しても他のどこにもいない。林床で生活することを好み、ときおり低い枝や藪でも発見される。濃いこげ茶から黒の縞模様が背中と頭と脚にあるのが特徴。縞の間には赤、黄色、オレンジなどの鮮やかな色形態が現れる。成体になると平均 31~36 mm の大きさになる。

Latin Name
Oophaga lehmanni
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The frog's colouration acts as a warning to potential predators that it's toxic. The toxins on the frog's skin causes intense pain and swelling.
The frog's natural range is very small 10km² so it's vulnerable to habitat loss through deforestation.
Overexploitation has been a threat to the frog – the pet trade capitalise on its unique colouration and patterning.
Lehmann's poison frog tadpoles often grow into froglets in small pockets of water in hollow trees or bamboo branches.
The tadpoles are also cannibalistic, so the father will separate the eggs before they hatch.