中央アジアおよび東南アジア原産のインドゾウまたは アジアゾウ (Elephas maximus indicus) は、長い鼻、小さな耳、灰色の皮膚、顔の周りのピンクの斑点が特徴的な動物だ。アフリカゾウと比較して体は小さく、オスは体長 2.75 m、体重 4000 kg、メスは、体長 2.40 m、体重 2400 kg です。大型の草食動物であり、森林、草原、山岳地帯など、さまざまな環境で暮らし、木の葉、樹皮、草を食べる。

Latin Name
Elephas maximus indicus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Elephants migrate at the beginning of the dry season to areas with more food and water.
Despite popular opinion, elephants do not use their trunk to drink; they use it to funnel water into their mouth.
Elephants have been known to use tree branches to swat flies, dislodge parasites and scratch themselves.
In the wild, elephants have mutualistic relationships with birds that remove parasites from their skin.
Indian elephants are more closely related to mammoths than African elephants.