ブラジルドクシボグモ (Phoneutria nigriventer) は、南アメリカ原産のクモの一種で、主に熱帯雨林に生息し、しばしば都市部でも目撃される。体が大きく、毒を持ち、淡褐色の体は毛に覆われており、脚に黒い縞模様がある。オスは、メスより若干小さく、腹部がかなり小さい。口の近くにある口肢 (体節状の触覚) の先の膨らみはオス特有であり、性別を判別できる。脚を広げたときのサイズが 130~150 mm、体の平均サイズが 17x48 mm である。ブラジルドクシボグモの代表的な動作は、2 本の前足を持ち上げて、左右に体を揺らす防御姿勢である。

Latin Name
Phoneutria nigriventer
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The Brazilian wandering spider is so named because it wanders the forest floor at night searching for prey rather than building a web or lair. During the day, it hides in termite mounds, under logs or rocks.
The genus name for the Brazilian wandering spider is 'Phoneutria' which means 'murderess' in Greek.
Female Brazilian wandering spiders are more venomous than males.
The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can cause paralysis and asphyxiation, and is one of the most deadly spider venoms to humans. However, wandering spiders are unlikely to bite unless surprised, and they often do not inject venom with their bites.
The Brazilian wandering spider is also known as the banana spider because it is often found hiding in banana plants, and has occasionally been shipped to foreign countries in banana crates.