オオカバマダラ (Danaus plexippus) は、世界中の広範囲に生息するが、北米や南米でよく目にするチョウである。羽を広げると 8.9 cm ~ 10.2 cm になり、体重は約 0.5 g である。羽は橙赤色で黒い目立つラインがあり、縁が黒く、白い斑点が並んでいる。脚と触角は黒く、黒い体には白い斑点がある。幼虫の体はふっくらとしており、黄、黒、白の斑点に覆われている。

Latin Name
Danaus plexippus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Some populations of monarch butterflies are migratory and will migrate over 4800km from Canada and the Northern USA to Mexico. It may take 4 generations of butterflies to complete this round trip.
During the migration of the monarch butterfly, thousands of butterflies will cluster together to create the ideal temperature for themselves.
When male monarch butterflies attempt to court and mate with females, 30% of the time they will accidentally grab a male and attempt to mate with him.
Monarch butterfly caterpillars feed on poisonous milkweed which makes them toxic to predators. The orange/red colour of the adults is thought to signal danger for this reason.
During the caterpillar stage, a monarch caterpillar will eat 200 times its bodyweight in milkweed.
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