ワタリオオキチョウ (Phoebis sennae) は、北米、中米、南米の温帯地域の開けた場所 (草原、公園、庭園、水路、海岸) に生息するチョウである。黄色の羽には褐色や黒色の斑点や縁取りがある。メスはオスに比べて大人しい色で、黒色の縁取りに沿って黄色い斑点がある。羽を広げると 5.5 cm ~ 7.8 cm になる。幼虫は鮮やかな黄色または緑色で、体に沿って黄色や青い斑点がある。

Latin Name
Phoebis sennae
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The cloudless sulphur is a migratory butterfly, with populations from the USA often travelling to Mexico or the Caribbean to overwinter.
When migrating, the cloudless sulphur can travel 20km a day.
The cloudless sulphur is often observed feeding from mud; it is thought that this may be a source of salt for the butterfly.
The chrysalis of the cloudless sulphur looks like a leaf, and the pupa inside will wriggle when touched to scare off predators.
The egg of the cloudless sulphur is pure white when first laid, but becomes yellow-orange as it approaches hatching time.
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