ブラジリアンサーモンピンクタランチュラ (Lasiodora parahybana) は、ブラジル東部の大西洋岸森林地域にのみ生息する大型のクモの一種である。体が黒く、足と腹部にピンクまたは赤の毛が生えている。全体として見ると、オスは若干大きく、脚を広げた状態で 28 cm にも達するが、メスは腹部が大きく重量がある。また、オスは、メスよりも明るい色をしている。

Latin Name
Lasiodora parahybana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Brazilian salmon pink tarantulas are also known as 'bird eating spiders' although there is very little evidence that they routinely eat birds.
The fangs of the salmon pink tarantula are 2.5cm long and can give a very painful bite.
Males have 'tibial hooks' on their front legs that are used to 'hook back' the female's jaws so she cannot attack him while mating with her.
The venom of this tarantula dissolves the flesh of its prey, making it easier for the spider to eat.
Salmon pink tarantulas only bite as a last resort, but they may flick barbed hairs from their abdomen as a defence mechanism. These hairs are incredibly irritating and can cause blindness.