サハラ以南のアフリカ全域に生息しているアフリカスイギュウ (Syncerus caffer caffer) は、ウシ科の中で最も大きく、アフリカの自然界に分布している。一般的な個体は、体長 1.7 m~3.4 m、体高 1.0~1.7 m。太くてカーブした特徴的な形の角が、額の中央にある「突起」で結合している。群れを率いるオスのリーダーが、最も大きな角を持っていることが多い。

Latin Name
Syncerus caffer caffer
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The African buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, killing 200 people a year.
Unlike other bovid species, the African buffalo is immune to ‘sleeping sickness’; a deadly disease transmitted by the tsetse fly.
African buffalo have excellent memories and have been known to make vengeful attacks against lions and hunters that have targeted their herd in the past, especially if a calf has been injured.
Due to the aggressive nature of the buffalo, all attempts at domestication as a livestock animal have failed.
African buffalo have a symbiotic relationship with a species of bird called the ‘oxpecker’ that removes ticks from their skin.