モウコノウマ (Equus ferus przewalskii) は、モンゴルの草原に生息する野生馬の一種で、プシバルスキーウマとも呼ばれる。ウマ科動物の中でも小柄で、ずんぐりした体型をしている。体長 2.1 m ~ 2.6 m、肩高 1.2 m ~ 1.5 mである。成獣は体重 250 kg ~ 360 kgである。オスはメスより少し大きいこともあるが、明らかな性的二型は見られない。被毛はオレンジがかった褐色で、腹部は薄い色をしている。直立した黒いたてがみ、太く黒い尾、黒い脚が特徴的である。

Latin Name
Equus ferus przewalskii
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The exact taxonomic status of Przewalski’s horse is still debated, some arguing it is a subspecies of what became the domestic horse, while others classify it as a separate species of wild horse.
Przewalski’s horse has 33 chromosomal pairs, whereas modern domestic horses have 32, indicating they became genetically separate long ago.
In 2020, the first cloned Przewalski’s horse was born as part of an assisted breeding programme. The foal was created using a frozen cell from a stallion that died in 1998 and is hoped to add much needed genetic diversity back into the population.
There are over 100 Przewalski’s horses living in the Chernobyl exclusion zone in Eastern Europe.
Przewalski’s horse is thought to be similar in appearance to what the wild ancestors of the domesticated horse could have looked like, with a dun coat and primitive markings on the back and the legs.
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