ヨーロッパアナグマ (Meles meles) は、ヨーロッパ各地の森林や低木林、さらには人工的な公園や牧草地に生息する大型のイタチ科の動物である。アナグマの最大の特徴はその顔の模様で、白い顔の上に、首から耳と目を通って鼻まで伸びる 2 本のはっきりとした黒いストライプが存在する。体は厚い灰色の毛で覆われており、足は黒く、側面には薄い毛が生えている。肩高 25 cm~ 30 cm、頭胴長 60 cm~ 90 cm で尾の長さが 12 cm~ 24 cm である。オスとメスはほぼ同じ大きさであるが、オスの方が重く、9.1 kg~ 16.7 kg であるのに対し、メスは 6.6 kg~ 13.9 kg である。

Latin Name
Meles meles
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
In some European countries, badgers are attributed as the heralds of spring in folklore. They commonly occur in fables, where they are described as reclusive and courageous, likely due to their shy and nocturnal behaviour.
European badgers commonly eat hedgehogs; one of the only species that are able to do so due to their tough paws and dextrous claws.
European badger hair is often used for shaving brushes and for making sporrans.
European badgers do not eat or defecate in or near their sett; they create latrine areas to keep their sett clean.
European badgers were killed throughout the 1960s and 70s to prevent the spread of rabies. In the United Kingdom culling of European badger populations has led to a decrease of tuberculosis in cattle.
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