オオコノハムシは、マレーシア西部の熱帯雨林に生息する大型の昆虫で、驚異的な擬態能力が特徴である。その名の通り、自分が暮らしている木の葉に溶け込むように進化してきた。メスは体長 12 cm、幅広で平らな外見で、退化した小さな羽を持っているが飛ぶことはできない。オスは体長 9 cm で、メスよりもずっと細身の外見をしており、長い羽で飛ぶことができる。

Latin Name
Phyllium giganteum
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The giant Malaysian leaf insect is very docile and spends most of its time still and unreactive, which further improves its camouflage.
The giant Malaysian leaf insect lives in the Taman Negara rainforest which is 130million years old and one of the oldest rainforests in the world.
While moulting, the giant Malaysian leaf insect is very vulnerable and can easily die if the temperature or humidity of the environment are not ideal, or if they are touched while their bodies are still soft.
Females do not require males to reproduce and can breed asexually, but all the offspring will be female in this case.
The first male giant Malaysian leaf insect was not discovered until 1994, therefore comparatively little is known about the males of this species.