ウスリードールはインド、ネパール、中国、バングラデシュ、ミャンマー、タイの森林、草原、ツンドラに生息し、ドールの亜種の中で最も大きい。赤い毛皮に白い下腹部をしており、鼻先は短い。夏毛と冬毛があり、冬毛の方が分厚く鮮やかな赤色をしている。頭胴長は 88 ~ 113 cm、尻尾の長さは 41 ~ 50 cm、肩高は 45 ~ 55 cm。性別で大きさに違いはないが、オスの体重が 15 ~ 20 kgであるのに対し、メスの体重は 10 ~ 13 kgと、オスの方がメスよりもかなり重い。

Latin Name
Cuon alpinus alpinus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Dholes are a ‘keystone species’, which means they are extremely important for maintaining the ecosystem in their habitat.
Dholes do not bark or howl like other dog species, but are very vocal and often whistle to communicate.
Dhole packs have been known to bring down prey 10 times their size.
Dholes have different dentition to all other dog species; it is thought this may help them eat faster to prevent their kills being stolen by competitors.
Humans who live in jungles have been known to follow dholes to track prey because they are such effective hunters.