Lemnis Gate is the revolutionary turn-based strategy FPS taking place in a time loop. Harness the abilities of powerful operatives and compete in mind-bending 4D battles as you disrupt the past to change the future.
Lemnis Gate liberates you from the constraints of spacetime to offer a relentlessly inventive multiplayer experience deeply rooted in tactical FPS gameplay. Earn victory by executing incredible strategies over five rounds. Mastering Lemnis Gate requires quick wits, keen trigger fingers, and strategic innovation.
This is your chance to exploit the unlimited complexities of time travel and forge your path to victory.
Lemnis Gate is the revolutionary turn-based combat strategy FPS taking place in a time loop. Master the unique abilities of powerful deep-space operatives and compete in mind-bending four-dimensional battles.
Lemnis Gate © Frontier Developments plc 2022
Lemnis Gate - Note dell'aggiornamento 1.1.24736
Salve, agenti. Abbiamo rilasciato un aggiornamento per Lemnis Gate che implementa varie modifiche e correzioni. Continuate a leggere per maggiori informazioni:
Lemnis Gate | Trailer della panoramica di gioco
Get a complete look at Lemnis Gate in our gameplay overview. Lemnis Gate is the revolutionary turn-based combat strategy FPS taking place in a time loop. Harness the abilities of powerful operatives and compete in mind-bending 4D battles as you disrupt the past to change the future.
Cos'è Lemnis Gate? | Diario degli sviluppatori Lemnis Gate #1
Unisciti al Direttore di gioco James Anderson di Ratloop Games Canada e al Responsabile della community senior Jens Erik Vaaler di Frontier per una panoramica su Lemnis Gate, sulle sue meccaniche e sul mondo in cui è ambientato.
Lemnis Gate è il rivoluzionario FPS di combattimento strategico a turni che si svolge in un loop temporale. Sfrutta le abilità dei formidabili agenti e competi in intricate battaglie 4D, distruggendo il passato per cambiare il futuro.