Como todas las especies de lémur, el de cola anillada (Lemur catta) es originario de Madagascar y no se encuentra de forma natural en ninguna otra parte del mundo. Estos lémures tienen un hocico afilado, orejas parecidas a las de un gato y una cola larga con 12 o 13 anillos blancos, 13 o 14 negros, y punta siempre negra. Suelen medir entre 39 y 46 cm sin contar la cola, que va de los 56 a los 63 cm, y viven en grupos llamados "tropas" que viajan juntos en busca de alimento. Son omnívoros y comen fruta, hojas, insectos y prácticamente todo lo que cae en sus manos.

Latin Name
Lemur catta
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The ring-tailed lemur's Latin name is 'Lemur catta': it is named for its cat-like looks.
The ring-tailed lemur's tail is longer than its body.
Lemurs have specialised lower teeth that form a 'dental comb' used in grooming.
Ring-tailed lemurs have specialised eyes with an adapted reflective layer in the retina that gives them excellent night vision.
Male ring-tailed lemurs engage in 'stink fighting' when in competition for females: they drag their tails through strong-scent secreting glands located on their wrists and shoulders, and then waft their tails at each other.