La pantera nebulosa es un felino arbóreo de tamaño mediano que vive en los bosques y praderas del Sudeste Asiático. Su pelaje es amarillo grisáceo con grandes anillos reticulados negros y tiene la cabeza, las patas y la cola cubiertas de manchas y rayas negras. Las panteras nebulosas miden entre 69 y 108 cm de largo, y su cola, entre 61 y 91 cm, aunque los machos son más grandes que las hembras. Su peso oscila entre 11 y 23 kg.

Latin Name
Neofelis nebulosa
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The clouded leopard can roar like big cats and meow like small cats.
The clouded leopard spends most of its time in trees, using its long tail to balance as it climbs.
The clouded leopard can open its mouth wider than any other cat and its dentition is most like the extinct sabre-toothed tiger.
The ankle joints of clouded leopards are incredibly flexible and allow their paws to rotate backwards, making them excellent climbers adapted to life in the treetops.
Clouded leopards have canines that are 5cm long, the same length as a tiger, despite the tiger being 5 times bigger in size.