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Imperial Clipper

The very definition of a multipurpose ship, the Imperial Clipper is a versatile vessel well suited to a range of roles. A generous quantity of internal compartments has made it popular with miners, while a sizeable cargo hold and robust defences have endeared the vessel to traders. Impressive straight-line speed rounds out the ship's profile, and makes it one of the most distinguished members of the Gutamaya family.

The Imperial Clipper has been designed for large-size landing pads.


The galaxy is full of successful traders who started their career with a Hauler. The ship's comparatively low cost and significant carrying capacity have made it the most popular small cargo ship in human space. The Hauler is highly specialised, however, and consumers are advised that it is unsuited to activities other than trade.

The Hauler has been designed for small-size landing pads.


The Fer-de-Lance is a heavy combat ship manufactured by Zorgon Peterson. With four medium and one huge hardpoint, the ship is a veritable powerhouse, able to mount a challenge even to the Anaconda and Federal Corvette. If the vessel has a drawback it is that it is highly specialised - consumers are advised that the Fer-de-Lance is unsuited to activities over than combat.

The Fer-de-Lance has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Federal Gunship

The Federal Gunship is a tougher, more powerful version of its sibling, the Federal Dropship. With a total of seven hardpoints, the Gunship boasts a stronger combat profile than the Dropship, while its superior armour allows it to soak up more punishment. It may be slower and less agile than the Dropship, but this is by design - the Gunship has been created to dominate other ships, rather than outpace or outmanoeuvre them.

The Federal Gunship has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Federal Dropship

Developed by Core Dynamics, the Federal Dropship is a versatile combat vessel widely used by the Federal Navy. Boasting one large and four medium hardpoints, the vessel can contend even with larger ships such as the Python, while its two military compartments allow the pilot to enhance the ship's defensive profile.

The Federal Dropship has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Federal Corvette

The Federal Corvette is one of the most powerful combat ships on the market. With a total of seven hardpoints, the ship has few rivals in terms of damage output, and is remarkably manoeuvrable given its size. Despite its comparatively small jump range, owning a Corvette is the ultimate ambition of many independent combat pilots, its astonishing power making it one of the most formidable vessels in the galaxy.

The Federal Corvette has been designed for large-size landing pads.

Federal Assault Ship

Based on the Federal Dropship, the Federal Assault Ship sacrifices the flexibility of its sibling in favour of a more combat-oriented profile. Faster and more manoeuvrable than the Dropship and boasting two medium and two large hardpoints, this is a vessel that has been designed to strike fast and hard. The trade-off for this power and agility is a reduction in internal compartments, making the Assault Ship less versatile than the Dropship.

The Federal Assault Ship has been designed for medium-size landing pads.


Developed by Core Dynamics, the Eagle is a compact combat ship with peerless manoeuvrability. For many independent pilots it represents a natural progression from the Sidewinder, boasting superior cargo capacity and combat ability in addition to a better hardpoint array. These features are offset by a comparatively short jump range, however.

The Eagle has been designed for small-size landing pads.


Like Saud Kruger's other passenger vessels, the Dolphin can accommodate a luxury-tier passenger cabin, allowing it to transport passengers in comfort. And despite costing significantly less than its sister ships, the Beluga Liner and the Orca, the Dolphin boasts the same sleek lines and refined aesthetic.

The Dolphin has been designed for small-size landing pads.

Diamondback Scout

Developed by Lakon Spaceways, the Diamondback Scout is a dual-purpose combat and exploration ship. Its 30 light-year jump range makes it popular with aspiring explorers, while its exceptional manoeuvrability makes it excellent at evading incoming fire. And with two medium and two small hardpoints, the Scout can also pack a punch.

The Diamondback Scout has been designed for small-size landing pads.