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Type-10 Defender

The Alliance commissioned Lakon Spaceways to produce the versatile Type-10 Defender, which represents a comprehensive revision of the Type-9 Heavy. Boasting greater speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability than the Type-9 and a more focused hardpoint loadout, it was envisaged principally as a combat vessel, but its sizeable cargo hold makes it equally useful to traders.

The Type-10 Defender has been designed for large-size landing pads.


The Sidewinder is a multipurpose ship manufactured by Faulcon deLacy. Its versatility and comparatively low price point have made it popular with novice pilots, but the Sidewinder's reputation as an entry-level vessel should not be seen as a sign of inferiority -  it is one of the most manoeuvrable ships on the market.

The Sidewinder has been designed for small-size landing pads.


Manufactured by Faulcon deLacy, the Python is a multipurpose ship that offers an enticing balance of manoeuvrability, firepower and defence. With five hardpoints, it can go head-to-head with large ships such as the Anaconda and Imperial Cutter, while its agility allows it to handle smaller vessels without having to rely on turret weapons. The Python also has a sizeable cargo hold, making it a viable choice for those seeking a combat-capable freighter.

The Python has been designed for medium-size landing pads.


Based on an unreleased racing prototype, the Mamba is one of the fastest ships in production. It can also deliver a lot of punishment, boasting one class-four and two class-three hardpoints. This emphasises on firepower and speed means the ship can hit hard and fast, vanishing before the target has a chance to react. Comparisons to the Fer-de-Lance, also produced by Zorgon Peterson, will be inevitable, but the Mamba is in fact faster in a straight line, while being slightly less manoeuvrable.

The Mamba has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Krait Phantom

With a spacious cargo hold and a relatively generous quantity of hardpoints, the Krait Phantom is a versatile ship suited to a range of roles. It has enough firepower to hold its own against larger targets, and enough straight-line speed to outpace smaller targets. The ship also offers eight internal compartments, allowing the pilot to tailor the ship to their requirements. And while it lacks the firepower and fighter bay of its sister ship, the Krait Mk II, it is both faster and lighter.

The Krait Phantom has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Krait Mk II

The Krait Mk II is a reimagining of the Krait Lightspeeder, which was originally manufactured by Faulcon deLacy in the 3100s. Although the new ship is larger than the original, it possesses many of the same characteristics, emphasising speed, manoeuvrability and firepower over defensive capability. The ship also boasts a fighter bay and space for up to two crew members, making it a good option for those seeking a medium-weight, multipurpose vessel.

The Krait Mk II has been designed for medium-size landing pads.


Based on the Type-6 Transporter, the Keelback is a hardy freighter designed for hostile-environment deliveries. The small hardpoints of the Type-6 have been bolstered with two medium hardpoints, but it is the Keelback's ability to accommodate a fighter bay that really sets it apart. The ship also boasts superior armour and shields to the Type-6. making it a good option for traders who plan to travel without an escort.

The Keelback has been designed for medium-size landing pads.

Imperial Eagle

Based on Core Dynamic's Eagle, Gutamaya's Imperial Eagle places greater emphasis on speed and combat than its predecessor. The ship's armour and shields have been enhanced, and one of the small hardpoints of the original has been replaced with a medium hardpoint. Naturally, these features have made the ship heavier and less manoeuvrable than its predecessor, but the Imperial Eagle remains a solid choice for those seeking a high-speed attack ship.

The Imperial Eagle has been designed for small-size landing pads.

Imperial Cutter

The pride of Gutamaya's shipyards, the Imperial Cutter is a formidable all-rounder. With sufficient armour and shielding to withstand all but the most determined attacks, and a total of seven hardpoints, the Cutter boasts an intimidating combat profile, while its substantial cargo hold makes it a solid choice for traders.

The Imperial Cutter has been designed for large-size landing pads.

Imperial Courier

One of the most compact vessels on the market, the Imperial Courier is a lightweight combat ship from Gutamaya. With agility to rival the Viper Mk III, the Courier is adept at evading incoming fire, while its three medium hardpoints have made it popular with those who want a balance of power and style.

The Imperial Courier has been designed for small-size landing pads.