Enable Influencer News

Console Profile Copy Process | Release Plan

Greetings Commanders.

Now we have officially landed at September 1st, we have some current information on progress toward console profile copying, on target for release this month.

As mentioned in recent, light reports – we are still on track to action console profile copying to PC within the forthcoming weeks ahead and we’re pleased to report that our targeted week for the release of the 'console profile copy portal' is that of September 12th.

Our high level release plan:

Discovery Scanner - 30/08/2022

Greetings Commanders.

Bringing you a Tuesday edition of Discovery Scanner this week due to the bank holiday here on this side of The Galaxy.

If you shared one with us, we hope you had a great one, be it relaxing amidst the stars or pushing for new discoveries.

Discovery Scanner - 22/08/2022

Greetings Commanders.

Hoping you had a great weekend just passes and are ready to make new discoveries this week in the Galaxy of Elite Dangerous o7

Game News

We’re aware than many of you are patiently awaiting follow up responses to your questions regarding the future of Elite Dangerous “versioning”, Console Transfers and updates on known issues.

We’re getting close with these now, so thank you for continuing to bear with us.

Discovery Scanner - 15/08/2022

Greetings Commanders.

Last week was quite a one! We're already getting enthusiastically stuck into this one with today's Discovery Scanner for starters.

Here's to a great week ahead for all. ‘Galactical Housekeeping’ time!

Game News

Update 13 Post Release Recap:
As many of you are very much aware, Update 13 arrived last week on August 9th. Full review of the update notes which accompanied this release can be found here.

Elite Dangerous | Post Update 13 Fixes

Greetings Commanders.

It's been an eventful week in the Galaxy!

Following feedback collection and reports since the launch of Update 13, we're making the following changes delivered via server:

Horizons Only:

Due to the Fire Zones of the Overlook and the Oath of Tyndareus still being erroneously active, as well as the Heart of Taurus and Bright Sentinel still having online Landing Pads the following has been changed:

Elite Dangerous | Update 13 Notes

Greetings Commanders.

And so, Salvation is nigh…Update 13 and the conclusion of the Azimuth Saga are only a short number of hours away and we’re on the edge of our cockpit seats.
Before we get down to the business of update notes ahead of downtime and deployment, let’s recap today’s release deployment schedule.

We are still very much on track and working to the following itinerary:

Discovery Scanner - 08/08/2022

Greetings Commanders!

Rumour has it a certain superweapon is due to fire this week, so let's keep things snappy and give you a quick overview of all the relevant information you may have missed!

Update 13 & The Azimuth Saga Finale

Update 13 arrives on Tuesday 9th August 2022, and brings with it the finale of the Azimuth Saga! Salvation is in the final stages of preparation for his Proteus Wave device, and all eyes are on HIP 22460. If you haven't made your way there yet, time is running out!

Elite Dangerous: Update 13 Release Schedule

Greetings Commanders.

With Update 13 just around the corner on August 9th, here's a high level itinerary of how deployment day is set to roll out - just so you can plan your time accordingly!


Please note: 

This is the plan of action as the situation currently stands. Any change in strategy or timings will of course be relayed back to you all and updated and messaged accordingly via our official social channels, if needed.