Greetings Commanders.

Once again, we pull up on another Monday to begin a new week ahead of us in the Elite Dangerous galaxy. Here's hoping you had a pleasant week and weekend just passed.



Interim January Update | DEPLOYMENT DATE ANNOUNCE.

  • In last week's Discovery Scanner we shared information of a forthcoming 'interim update', now titled 'Update 14.02'. ahead of the next greater scale update of 'Update 15', which will look to address a number of remaining core issues, present and reported since the release of Update 14, due to you before the January month ends.

We are pleased to announce that Update 14.02 for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 will be deployed on Monday, 30 January.

We are able to share a few items coming along with 14.02 ahead of time, however full update notes and deployment schedule will be released to you, prior to deployment downtime, nearer the time.


  • More actions taken against Thargoids will further contribute to the pushback bar.
  • Improvements made to the UI, specifically giving Commanders better guidance on how to impact the pushback bar.


  • Stability improvements to Conflict Zones, alongside a number of additional, generalised fixes, which will be delivered via finalised update notes, in due course.

Look out for further information regarding the deployment schedule and what you can expect as part of the forthcoming 14.02 update at the latter end of this week, via Twitter, Facebook and our official Elite Dangerous Forums.

News on Increases to AX Combat Ship Hardpoint Capacity:

Worthy of a note as part of in-game news, last week saw a statement released via GalNet, entitled "EXPERIMENTAL WEAPON STABILISER INITIATIVE BEGINS".

Within this article, Commanders were informed of a proposed increase to hardpoint capacity for anti-xeno combat ships, as a result of a successful Community Goal campaign which began on January 19th 3309.

  • "The class 3 and class 5 variants allow ships to be outfitted with one or two additional AX weapons respectively."

For full information on the open goals, head on over to Community Goals - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.


Frameshift Live #24 

Thank you all for your patience and well wishes gifted toward Producer Adam last week, as we unfortunately had to postpone the return of 'Frameshift Live' due to illness.

We're pleased to say that Adam is seemingly on the mend and feeling a lot better, so here's to bringing Frameshift Live #24 along to this Thursday, January 26th, hosted by Arthur and Sally with special developer guest, Derin Halil.

As a reminder:


All new Twitch Drops will be available to those of you viewing on our official, Elite Dangerous Twitch Channel, with the release of the 'Blizzard Ice' paint jobs for the Asp Explorer and Anaconda this week (for Elite Dangerous Live game/4.0 only).

For information on how to claim Twitch Drops, head to the guide here: Twitch Drops (

You can also, of course, tune in over on YouTube too (not counted in Twitch Drops).


GalNet News Roundup

Our weekly GalNet News Roundup released last Friday, over on the official Elite Dangerous forums where you can candidly catch up on unravelling story arcs and plots. 

Store release

Hunters Assemble!

Flying in first for new store releases this year is the 'Hunter' paint job for Alliance Chieftain! We know someone behind the scenes here who is very happy about this one...

To pick this pack up in a variety of different colour-ways at 2420 ARX each, head on over to the official Elite Dangerous Gamestore.

Further cosmetic releases are on the way, so keep watch for those, coming soon.

That's us, once again, Commanders!

We're very much looking forward to the release of the 'Interim Update' of 14.02 next week, along with seeing you again through the "stream waves" this Thursday,

Until then, have a super week ahead.

See you in the black o7


[Cover Image Credit: CMDR Homborger]
