Machine Name

Sussex Chicken

The Sussex chicken is a breed of the domesticated chicken (or Gallus domesticus). It is named after its place of origin, the region of Sussex on the Southeastern coast of England. Sussex chickens are a medium-sized breed with a sturdy body and a broad back. The feathers on their neck, called hackles, and feathers on the tail are darker than the rest of the body (often black), while the body plumage may be white, grey, tan, red, or brown. The head is adorned with a comb on top and wattles below the beak. Sussex chickens are sexually dimorphic.

American Standard Donkey

The American standard donkey (or Equus africanus asinus) is a type of North American donkey that is domesticated. North American donkeys are classified by their size rather than their pedigree in order to determine their type (as opposed to a specific breed) due to the diverse genetic influences of their ancestors – donkeys that were imported to the Americas from all over the Old World from the fifteenth century onward. The American standard donkey is 1.2m to 1.4m tall at the withers and weighs between 180kg and 227kg.

Alpine Goat

The Alpine goat is a breed of domestic goat (or Capra hircus) originating in the French Alps, found in France, Italy, and Switzerland. Alpine goats were developed as a dairy breed with a high yield of milk per animal and are adapted to the climatic conditions of their montane pastures. They have a stocky body, with long, thin limbs and neck. The short coat may be a solid brown, black, white, or grey, with black or white markings, or a patterned combination of all base colours. The head is small, with long, straight ears and slightly curved horns.


The alpaca (or Vicugna pacos) is a small, domesticated camelid species originating from the Andes regions of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. It was domesticated thousands of years ago by native South American peoples, who used alpaca fleece to create clothing. Alpacas have a long, slender neck and long legs. Their whole body is covered in thick wool, except for the face, sometimes giving them the appearance of having a ‘hairdo’. The wool may be any shade of white, red, brown, or black. Colouration may be solid or piebald.

Dromedary Camel

The dromedary camel (or Camelus dromedarius) is a camelid living throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Western Asia. It has also been introduced to European countries and Australia. Dromedaries are usually sandy brown, tan, or cream in colour, but may also have dark or pied colouration. They have a single hump on their back, long legs, and a long neck. The dromedary camel has a domed head with small, rounded ears, large eyes with long lashes, and large, protuberant lips.

Red-Necked Wallaby

The red-necked wallaby (or Notamacropus rufogriseus) is a medium-sized marsupial native to Eastern Australia and Tasmania. As a member of the kangaroo family it shares the distinctive appearance of large, muscular hind legs and tail, comparatively small forearms, large ears and a blunt snout. The red-necked wallaby has grey fur with a red-brown tinge and a paler underside. The fur on its ear tips, around its nose, and on its feet is black. This species is sexually dimorphic, with males being larger than females.

Red Fox

The red fox (or Vulpes vulpes) is a medium-sized canid that lives throughout Europe, Asia and North America, as well as areas of Northern Africa. Red foxes have thick red fur that may be grizzled with brown or black and has a white underside. The tail is long and bushy and the legs are characteristically black. Males measure 96cm to 115cm in total length, of which 32cm to 38cm are constituted by the tail, and stand 35cm to 50cm tall at the shoulder. They weigh between 4.3kg and 7.6kg.

Sacred Scarab Beetle

The sacred scarab beetle is a dung beetle native to the coastal dunes and marshes around the Mediterranean Sea, meaning it is found in North Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The head of the scarab beetle has 6 oblong projections and its front legs have an additional 4 each, giving the appearance of an arc of rays on the beetle’s front end. The sacred scarab beetle is 10 to 25mm in size and has a shiny, black carapace.

Giant Leaf Insect

The giant Malaysian leaf insect is a large species of insect that lives in the Western tropical rainforests of Malaysia. This species exhibits extraordinary camouflage. As its name suggests, it has evolved to blend in with the leaves of the trees in which it lives. Females are 12cm in length, broad and flat in appearance and have small vestigial wings that do not allow them to fly. Males are approximately 9cm in length and much more slender. They have long wings and can fly.

Eastern Blue Tongued Lizard

The eastern blue-tongued lizard, or eastern blue-tongued skink is a species of reptile that lives in the woodland, scrubland and semi-desert areas of Australia. They are broad and squat animals, with a triangular head and a thick tail. It has various colour morphs but typically has tan, beige and black scales arranged in a striped pattern. As its name suggests, it has a bright blue tongue. Adult eastern blue-tongued lizards are between 45 and 60cm in length.