The Sussex chicken is a breed of the domesticated chicken (or Gallus domesticus). It is named after its place of origin, the region of Sussex on the Southeastern coast of England. Sussex chickens are a medium-sized breed with a sturdy body and a broad back. The feathers on their neck, called hackles, and feathers on the tail are darker than the rest of the body (often black), while the body plumage may be white, grey, tan, red, or brown. The head is adorned with a comb on top and wattles below the beak. Sussex chickens are sexually dimorphic. Roosters have a larger comb, longer wattles, and longer tail feathers than hens, and are also larger and heavier. A male Sussex chicken is around 50cm tall with an average weight of 4.3kg, while a female stands about 38cm tall with a weight of 3.3kg.

Latin Name
Gallus domesticus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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