Machine Name

Coquerel's Sifaka

Found only in the Northwestern rainforests of Madagascar, Coquerel's sifaka (or Propithecus coquereli) is a Critically Endangered, medium-sized species of Lemur. Their body is covered in distinctly coloured fur that is white with dark red patches along the limbs, chest, and back, which may fade into grey fur along the tail. The face is black, with yellow eyes and a white stripe on the nose, and is framed by a short white ruff. No distinct sexual dimorphism occurs in this species, with both sexes looking alike, although females are sometimes reported to grow slightly larger than males.


The saiga antelope (or Saiga tatarica) is a bovid living on the steppes and grasslands of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. It is tan in colour, with a pale underside, and has large eyes and rounded ears. The distinctive large nose has broad, mobile nostrils, which is larger in males. Males are also generally built larger and heavier than females, and carry upright, pale, and slightly translucent horns, which are 28cm to 38cm long. They stand 67cm to 81cm tall at the shoulder, are 1.1m to 1.4m long and weigh between 26kg and 69kg.

Somali Wild Ass

As a subspecies of the African wild ass, the Somali wild ass (or Equus africanus somaliensis) is an equid that lives in the deserts and semi-deserts of Somalia, Djibouti, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea. It has a grey coat with a pale underside and white legs, which are covered in thin black stripes. It has a rigid, black-tipped mane, black-tipped ears and a black tuft at the tip of its tail. The muzzle is pale but may be grey-black around the nose and mouth.

Dama Gazelle

The dama gazelle (or Nanger dama) is a species of ungulate living in the Sahara desert and the Sahel. It has a short white coat on its belly, legs, hindquarters, and face, and red-brown fur on its back, shoulders, and neck. On its head, the dama gazelle has large protuberant ears and a black, curled horn. These horns are present on both males and females, however those of females are much shorter. Horn length in males ranges from 25cm to 35cm, with female horns around half that size on average.

Black Rhinoceros

The black rhinoceros (or Diceros bicornis), also known as the hook-lipped rhinoceros, is a large ungulate native to the grasslands and scrublands of Southern and Eastern Africa. Black rhinos have two horns on their face, with the anterior horn being much longer than the posterior horn. They have thick, grey skin, stocky limbs, small eyes, and oval-shaped ears. The black rhinoceros stands 1.40m to 1.80m tall at the shoulder, is 3m to 3.75m long, and weighs between 800kg and 1400kg. Males and females are similar in size.


The addax (or Addax nasomaculatus) is a species of antelope that lives in remote areas of the Sahara Desert. Having historically lived throughout North Africa, they are now only found in areas in Niger and Chad. The addax is cream, white, or sandy in colour, with brown markings around the face and muzzle. Both sexes have dark, twisted horns, which is why they are sometimes called screwhorn antelope. Addaxes can achieve a body length of 1.20m to 1.30m. Males are usually taller and heavier than females, standing 1.05m to 1.15m tall at the shoulder and weighing 100kg to 125kg.


The axolotl (or Ambystoma mexicanum) is an amphibian found exclusively in freshwater lakes in Mexico, with only Lake Xochimilco remaining as their natural habitat. Its wild type is green and brown in colour, with dark speckles across the body, however axolotls in the pet trade are often leucistic (white) or come in a number of other, vibrant colourmorphs. They have prominent gill fans protruding from their necks, a feature common in all salamander larvae, although due to their more aquatic lifestyle, the axolotl keeps these external gills.

Scimitar-Horned Oryx

The scimitar-horned oryx (or Oryx dammah) is an antelope that used to live in and around the Sahara desert in Northern Africa. The fur of the scimitar-horned oryx is cream-white in colour, fading to tan patches on neck, chest and legs. Their face is white with brown markings. They are named for their most distinctive feature, the long, ridged and backwards curving horns which exceed 1m in length. Scimitar-horned oryxes measure 1.3m to 2.4m in length and are 1m to 1.3m tall at the shoulder.

Amur Leopard

The Amur leopard (or Panthera pardus orientalis) is a subspecies of the leopard found in temperate forests between the Russian Far East and China. The species is adapted for both warm summers and cold winters of the region. This big cat has a stocky, muscular build, a thick tail and broad face with small, rounded ears. The dense coat of the Amur leopard ranges from tan to orange in base colour, with a white belly. The body of the animal is covered in black rosettes, turning into solid black spots towards the legs and underside.

Asian Small-Clawed Otter

Native to the rivers and streams of Central and Southeast Asia, the Asian small-clawed otter (or Aonyx cinereus) is the smallest otter species in the world. Its sleek body is covered in brown fur, with a white belly and throat. Asian small-clawed otters grow between 72cm and 96cm in total body length and weigh 2.7kg to 5.4kg. There are no notable physical differences between females and males of this species.